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What would it look like if a generation of young people in our churches knew God personally, rather than just knew about God? How would it change our nation?


In Daniel 11:32, it describes those who know God personally being the ones who will resist evil and do great exploits for God.

God wants to give young people in Cyprus...

Joy in their salvation!

That young people in the churches understand that ‘the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life’ and rejoice in all they have been saved from.


Intimacy with the Father

What a travesty it would be if young people never met the Father in His house!


A priestly call

The young people need to be taught how to and in Spirit and Truth in order to communicate with the Father.



That intimacy with Christ would give young people a passion for purity and a repulsion towards idolatry.



This is to be a generation of ‘Ruths and Calebs’ - foreigners to the nation of Israel, but young people who understand their call in the eternal purposes of God - especially the unique call for Cyprus to stand with and care for the Jewish people - and to rise up and get involved!



For young people North and South (Cyprus) to be One as Jesus and the Father are one - in heart and Spirit after Jesus. This commands the blessing (Ps 133) and the healing of the land (2 Chron 7:14).

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